
How To Get Sponsored For Jeep Parts

How to Get Sponsorship for Your Next Motorcar Build: SPONSOR ME! Please!

Dear Sponsor Human being,
Can you sponsor me? You have to sponsor me considering my machine ever gets 100 likes on social media. I will put your sticker on my car and go you 1,000 more fans all wanting your stuff, all yous have to do is requite me some free products.
Thank you,
Hopeless Tuner

Dear Sponsor Homo,
I east-mailed you yesterday but did not become annihilation back. Don't sleep on me, I take the automobile the will make you lot guys famous. You just need to transport me free products.
Hopeless Tuner

Dear Sponsor Man,
I would hate for u to miss out on this chance just because you guys are and then slow to response to e-mails. I thought you were better than Company Ten. Don't exist like them and sponsor me already.
Hopeless Tuner

Dearest Hopeless Tuner,
Cheers for reaching out to us nearly sponsorship opportunities. Please consummate the sponsorship application on our homepage and nosotros volition review your vehicle.
Best regards,
Sponsor Man

Man in front of monitors saying "Sponsor Me! Please!"

It can be challenging building a project automobile, whether you lot're a professional motorsports driver or weekend enthusiast—and honestly, it can exist very expensive. One style to alleviate this stress is to look for sponsorship, just don't think it comes any easier. The process of acquiring sponsors requires you to be professional and respectful, no matter how practiced you are at networking and selling yourself.

The all-time way to get sponsored is to be professional and not treat companies like a source of free parts. Before contacting a brand, exercise research on them to encounter if your car will exist a good fit, and then prove them that you know and intendance well-nigh their products. After contacting them, don't send endless follow-upward emails.

Two cars drifting

A sponsorship occurs when a manufacturer agrees to requite you parts when they believe you lot can successfully help market and annunciate their brand, whether it be through displaying at motorcar shows, magazine features, worth of mouth (like social media) or by posting on forums. If yous've come up here to discover shortcuts on how to get companies to requite you freebies, then look elsewhere; you've come to the wrong place.

You need to understand that this game is 50 pct luck and 110 percent hard work; however, we do have some tips that volition hopefully aid teach what yous need to know in gild to exist sponsored:

Racecar on jackstands

1. Network.

The best fashion to land a sponsorship is to network, network and network some more. In instance y'all missed that: network! This is essential in whatsoever industry considering industry people talk, and they all know each other.

ii. Be Patient.

Have your time developing these relationships, much similar you would a significant other. It'due south not something that happens overnight; this lifestyle, if you're serious most it, requires dedication. Impressing one visitor tin potentially open many more doors down the route; conversely, burn one bridge and y'all risk losing out on any opportunities. Don't strength your fashion in; instead, exist friendly and respectful because yous never know who you'll meet or where things may lead.

3. Form Genuine Relationships.

With that being said, it's good to make a few friends earlier even thinking a sponsorship is a done deal. Being serious means you're in this for the long booty, and friends are e'er helpful when the going gets tough.

Man standing in front of a car at a show

iv. Be Professional person.

When it comes down to information technology, be ready to talk business. Know when to draw the line betwixt friendship and professionalism; regardless of your connection, companies need to justify why they should be sponsoring you. Rocking stickers isn't a adept enough reason.

v. Treat It Similar a Chore Application.

Look at presenting a sponsorship proposal just similar a job resumé; sell yourself, brand them say "yes"! Understand that they see hundreds of proposals (if non more), and yours needs to stand out over everyone else's. Keep it brusque, avoid a novel and highlight what you solitary tin can offer—a picayune bit about yourself, your car'southward spec sheet, whatever awards and media exposure yous can get—make them desire yous! Know which parts you're interested in and explain how they'll do good by helping you.

Scion TC with its hood up

6. Evidence Them You're Serious.

A proficient proposal doesn't only say what you've washed but will besides mention more specific, direct benefits to be gained. Remember what we said earlier about being serious? Spend a little money on using premium re-create paper to impress your proposalmaybe even have information technology bound while yous're at it. If yous're providing photos (which we highly recommend), brand sure they're in color. Making it equally visually highly-seasoned as information technology is factually highly-seasoned.

7. Be Gracious and Respectful.

Don't forget to include your contact info so they're able to contact yous, and if they do, be gracious for the time they're giving you; this is also one of those instances where it'due south good to understand the concept of "don't contact us, we'll contact you".

Two men talking at a car parts convention

Ultimately, yous will probably hear "no" a lot (if you even get a response); don't let that discourage you. Where i company might non be looking for the qualities yous have, another might. Keep doing your research on other companies or ways yous tin improve upon yourself to make your pitch more desirable. In the end, if you want to get sponsored, don't even recall nearly getting sponsored. The near important thing is that you focus on edifice your automobile the way you want information technology. Your own uniqueness and dedication is what will exist your key to attracting companies, not your ability to spam them. It may just be a personal superstition, but I believe you volition never get what yous want, especially if you're trying to forcefulness it.

Helpful Sponsorship Tips From the Pros

Sponsorship is the name of the game, whether you're a rookie, a veteran or an expert, and everyone has to play. The more you talk to people and acquire how they got sponsored, the more you lot'll see how much time, try and luck was required to get where they are now. Use these varying perspectives as tools and tips to assistance you lot go to where yous want to be.

To help yous get to where you want to exist, we asked several industry leaders for their advice on how to go about seeking sponsorships. This is what they had to say:

Robin Kum, The Rookie

"Yous're fresh in the scene, desperate to go your human foot in the door and have no thought what you lot're doing. You can either gripe over others' opportunities or piece of work hard at making your ownthe option is yours."

Man working on a car's suspension

What does having a sponsorship hateful to you?

"Sponsorships are amazing opportunities that assist you connect with the automotive industry. Sure the sponsored products are corking, merely there's such a satisfying feeling when yous are representing someone other than yourself. You experience like your role of the 'in' crowd and it's addicting; it makes you even more willing to want to assistance them as much as they are helping y'all."

How practise sponsorships help you lot attain your goals?

"In the short term, it helps yous go products you lot otherwise might not be able to get and allows you to take your build to the next level. In the long run, it opens doors to attend events, shows or other sponsorship opportunities while at the same time learning more about the visitor, the motorcar and/or the industry in general."

What are your DOs and DON'Ts of asking for sponsorships?


  • Inquiry the company and products before reaching out to them
  • Be active in the car community
  • Be willing to promote the visitor
  • Be respectful
  • Be professional


  • Try to force a sponsorship
  • Look freebies without anything in render
  • Think you are better than your sponsor

Neil Tjin, The Veteran

"You're on a text message basis with your sponsors and you tin quickly become what you need without as well much explanation because yous've already adult that trust, that anything y'all are working on is for something big."

Man sitting in a Camaro at a car show

What does having a sponsorship mean to you?

"Sponsorships are a privilege and an honour considering these companies trust us to not merely represents their brand, but as well to educate potential consumers about their products. It is important to always get in a higher place and across to brand sure partners are represented professionally, but with grassroots promotion so that anybody can relate."

How do sponsorships help you accomplish your goals?

"Partnering with the companies volition help bring brownie to your builds and your reputation. Both parts and monetary sponsorships tin help financially with the overall build. Too, if you are working on a brand new machine, it tin lead to working with the company to produce new products."

What are your DOs and DON'Ts of asking for sponsorships?


  • Evidence that yous care and know virtually their products
  • Send a full proposal with rendering, show schedule and media contacts
  • Show them that you volition over deliver
  • Provide recaps, feedback or anything to evidence you lot are bring a brand administrator
  • Be professional


  • Ask for free product
  • Use the word "sponsorship" like it means "free stuff"
  • Eastward-mail or call without providing a proposal
  • Prevarication in your proposal
  • Sell or remove products before your understanding is fulfilled

Matt Powers, The Expert

"Yous've turned a passion into a career and have worked difficult to ameliorate your skills. Companies take taken notice to y'all and you lot're paying your sponsorships with blood, sweat and gears."

Drift car getting sideways

What does having a sponsorship mean to you lot?

"Sponsorships are basically a relationship between a commuter, a motorcar and/or a company. Information technology's a trade of promotion and exposure on the car, driver and materials in substitution for product, money, promotion, etc. Basically, when you are sponsored, y'all are indebted to promote that company in a positive style through attending events and creating media that gets their brand and product exposure."

How do sponsorships aid you reach your goals?

"Without sponsorship I would have never been able to do professional globe-trotting in a serious fashion. My sponsors take allowed me to get where I am today and to do what I have done with globe-trotting. My motorcar would be slow, I would be working on it myself and I wouldn't bulldoze every bit much. My sponsors support me with product, money and opportunities, which let me to have an crawly auto I can compete with all over the world. It'due south pretty unfeasible to do this level of motorsports completely on your ain dime.

"For case, well-nigh important of all sponsors arguably is a tire sponsor and without Nitto Tire, I would have to buy tires (a lottttt) and they probably wouldn't be very sticky. I would exist poor and ho-hum. Nobody wants that! Sponsorship helps a commuter attain their potential too by opening doors and new relationships. My life is totally for the better because of all my sponsors and it's funny considering I used to exist scared of sponsorship!"

What are your DOs and DON'Ts of request for sponsorships?


  • Go along your proposal as brief as possible
  • Mention how you tin can promote their brand and be valuable to them
  • Listing events you attend
  • Specify logo size and placement on the machine and suit
  • Reference your other sponsors who volition also promote y'all and give you a bigger attain
  • Include media projects that they tin can get value
  • List future plans, previous achievements
  • Listing what you want, why you demand it and why y'all want to work with their brand


  • Be arrogant
  • Exist closed minded
  • Be ungrateful
  • Say anything negative about other people and companies – the manufacture is really pocket-sized

Harry Kong, Manufacture Professional

"Everyone wants to be your friend. Everyone wants free stuff. Your tough controlling will assist figure out who's who."

Man standing in front of a drift race car and a Nitto booth

What does having a sponsorship mean to y'all?

"Sponsorships are a class of marketing in which a visitor offers a product in exchange for recognition. Information technology's a method to increment make and product awareness to a target audience exterior of traditional advertizement."

How do sponsorships assistance you accomplish your goals?

"It is a very constructive marketing strategy that helps spread the word about the make likewise as the products to a target market. Information technology tin can heighten the image of the brand while shaping purchasing decisions."

What are your DOs and DON'Ts of asking for sponsorships?


  • Research the make and their products
  • Be specific in the type of sponsorship you are seeking
  • What you are "offering" back should always outweigh what yous are asking for.
  • Check proposal for accuracy, spelling and grammar
  • Provide references
  • Proceed a positive attitude
  • Be professional


  • Put false information or unrealistic goals
  • Talk negatively well-nigh other companies
  • Ask through social media
  • Assume companies take to sponsor y'all
  • Utilise the phrase "Tin can you sponsor me?"
  • Send multiple due east-mails if you don't go a response

Interested in amateur auto racing? Here are some tips to become you started in autocross.

How To Get Sponsored For Jeep Parts,


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